What is kf7nn? it is my ham radio callsign, I am a Ham operator and the FCC issues

us callsigns based on our class of license, area of country, and the country we reside in.

Us hams take great pride in our callsigns because they are unique to us only, we plaster

everything we own with it uasually. Becoming a ham is pretty easy for the begginner

all it takes is a little studying and an easy test and you become a technician class, other classes

of licenses are a little tougher and requires you to learn morse code although the requirements

or 20 words per minute have been lowered to 5 wpm I have passed it after approx 350

contacts as a technician and loved every minute of it.

Now I am interested in talking to distant stations and keeping a record of who I contacted

you see there is this award called DXCC and you can get it if you make 100 verified contacts with

other countries and endorsements for more, currently there are about 329 countries.


My other hobby is computers, I run this little site off my laptop and give space to friends

for their web sites also, currently there are about 25 domains here on this little Thinkpad 760XD.

I do technical work on semiconductor equipment such as debugging and setup

on Applied Materials P5000, 5200 and 5300 stuff, it sucks but its a living if

your good at it.